Swearing and other lady issues…

January 2, 2013

I have committed to quit swearing this year.  Ugh.  I am struggling with it at the moment.  I think I could quit swearing more easily if I had different friends.  I have very little support in this.  Most of my friends just laugh when I tell them. They think I can’t do it. They are mostly the reason the swear.

When I told everyone at the board room table that I was going to quit swearing and I wanted their support, I was told that a woman in a high level board room position needs to swear to fit in.  It tells the rest at the table that she is “one of the boys.”  (Eyebrow raise).

As a “corporate” woman in a high level mail dominated boardroom position, I refuse to be defined by male standards.  I don’t care what the men do, it does not offend me when they swear in front of me but I am not going to be put into a box where I have to act like them to fit in.

Let me tell you why I fit in boys, listen up.

  • I fit in because I am the only one at the table who can write a decent business proposal.
  • I fit in because I am the only one that can read the body language of your potential partners and guide you in your interactions with them.
  • I fit in because I have a sharp business mind and years of experience in strategic planning.
  • I fit in because I am doing the work of three of you for less pay than one of you.  I
  • fit in because none of you know where the toilet paper is kept.
  • I fit in because you wouldn’t be half way to where the company is now if I wasn’t there.
  • I fit in because I can handle anything you throw at me, without any fancy degree, pedigree or affirmative action.
  • I was hired for what I know how to do, not for my looks or gender or for my ability to fit in with the boys.

Hear me well gentleman.   Maybe instead  of me having to “fit in”, maybe you should try fitting in with me.

Now that said, I do love the men the I work with,  I appreciate your contributions, your intellect and your humour.  I love working in an all male environment because I do Queen Bee rather well.  I really like the honesty with which we conduct business.  You listen when I speak and never disrespect me.  I am treated in every way like an equal.   I wouldn’t trade my job for any other but I am going to quit swearing and I will continue to fit in even if I have to force my way in.  Watch me.

(Does swearing in German count, if no one there speaks German?). Just asking?

Have a great day.  Don’t let someone else’s expectations or influence turn you from becoming the person you want to be.  Work the 5 second rule this week and change your life.

