Five things you should be doing right now to fight terrorism.

February 4, 2016

Are you scared of the threat of terrorism? Are you concerned about foreigners threatening our Canadian way of life?

Get the Facts:

Fact One: Terrorists are already living among us.
Those who wish to do us harm are already living among us. Some will sneak in with refugees, some will sneak in as tourists. Some were born here. Refusing to take refugees will not protect us from a terrorist attack.

Fact Two: Muslim’s are fighting terrorists.
Muslim’s are weeding out the extremists among them. They are as afraid of them as we are. Many Muslims are reaching out to their youth and disenfranchised in an effort to stop those who currently feel they are being unfairly targeted from extremist propaganda.

Fact Three: Muslims cannot change our country even if they wanted to.
Muslim’s make up less than 2% of this country and in spite of the inflammatory YouTube videos that seem to indicate barbarians are coming – the fact is that a video of an incident can’t paint a real picture of any situation. Would you like the world to judge Vancouver based on videos of the riots?

We have to look both at history which clearly shows the fears of those at home being unfounded.

We have to look at statistics.
According to immigration Canada “Currently, Muslims make up about 2.8. Percent of the country’s population.”

2.8% of a population cannot change a nation unless we let them. Our nation has swallowed the propaganda of fear being fed by ISIS and we are allowing them to change us without even landing on our shores.

Fact Four: We are allowing ourselves to be changed by an warrrentless fear which is exactly what ISIS is counting on.

There was a day when national disaster brought the best out in us. When our compassion was the flag we flew.

There was a time when Canada stood for something. We were famous for our peacekeepers, our firefighters went to the US to help during 9/11. We are known to be peace loving, kind hearted, caring, accepting, multicultural non-racist country until someone suggested that a Muslim might be coming and you may get less Shreddies as a result.

Fact Five: We are not taking money from seniors or veterans to fund our refugee programs.
We have always had refugee programs in place as part of our agreement with the UN. 25000 refugees are a drop in the bucket. The only challenge is that they all come at once and that is where we need people to step up, to donate, to open their homes, to save the destitute and the dying, like we used to before we became so self absorbed.

Did you eat a good meal today? Are you sleeping inside tonight? Are you really telling me that you have absolutely nothing you can share or spare? I know that there are some people who truly don’t and I am not talking to them. I am talking to you on your $1000 iPad or $350 dollar phone. I am not trying to make anyone feel guilty. This isn’t about guilt – this is about looking around you – at your privileged lives and reaching out a hand of compassion. Everyone wants to change the world – well now you can.

Fact Six: History will talk about our a moral obligation
During the Holocaust, we said, “How could the people just stand there and let this happen. Why wasn’t the world watching and responding?” This is our Holocaust – We are watching people die by the hundreds waiting for help. You can’t say you don’t know about it because you have seen the pictures

You can’t say that you can’t do anything about it because you can. You can be the hero you watch on TV. You can donate a little bit of your bounty, your time, your prayers, your heart.

You can sponsor local immigration non-profits that are scrambling for housing and support. You can attend fundraisers. You can support those on the front lines. You can befriend a newcomer.

This is your country. What do you stand for? Will you stand up and fight fear and ignorance?

There are five things you should be doing right now.

1) Stop being afraid.
Your chance of dying in a terrorist attack is less than your chance of dying from a bee sting. Don’t let ISIS play mind games with you.

2) Understand the process that refugees go through before being allowed in this country.

3) Understand that by feeding the fear, you are working with ISIS.
Understand that alienating and unfairly judging a race or culture creates the very breeding ground for extremist beliefs. Don’t help ISIS by closing your hearts to hurting people. Fear is the tactic they use because it is the only weapon they have. Look at the facts.

While I in no way want to undermine the agony of the attacks in Paris, please remember that there are still 2.244 million Parisians who are not dead. Killing 150 people is a national tragedy but allowing millions to die because we are afraid we might be one of the 150 is gutless and criminal.

4) Educate yourselves.
I don’t mean on Facebook. I mean if you have questions or concerns, Google it. Check your sources carefully. Remember that many publications have agenda’s that they are pushing. You can find the truth is you take the time to look for it.

Come talk to the front line workers in immigrant service agencies. They can probably answer your questions easily. They would be more than happy to give the straight goods.

5) Get involved.
Attend fundraisers. Donate if you can. Volunteer if you can’t. Write to the US and express your feelings about their partnership with Saudi Arabia. Write your MP and MLP. Write Justin and tell him that Canada still has guts.

We will honor our seniors by putting down our electronics and meeting this challenge with ingenuity and sacrifice just like they did during the war. We will honor the bravery of our veterans by being brave ourselves. We will welcome these people even if it means that we will die because why shouldn’t I be willing to give my life just like our veterans did. We will fight this war without fear. We will stand together and welcome those who have been destroyed by evil ideologies. We are brave, we are united and we will not bend to the evil ways of extremists.


I am appealing to our religious organizations. Every religion talks about compassion, about loving those who need your help. Please, go back and read your manual again. There was a day when Canadians could count on the religious groups to take leadership. Where are you now? Please. You want to change the world – now is your chance. Step up.

I am appealing to you personally. There was a time when being Canadian meant being a beacon for the world. It represented people who helped their neighbours, people who shared their bounty. Being Canadian meant not being scared of cultures we didn’t understand. We used to open our arms and our wallets and our hearts. Please step up. Be the hero you read about. It is in us to do this. We have the space and the capacity.

If a terrorist kills me – I still want Canada to bring in as many refugees as they can sustain. I still want my door to be open. I want to die knowing that I stood for something. That I fought for freedom and the right to be free. Let me die if so be but don’t let me die for nothing.

Please have a heart.